Adsolutions / FAQ

Ad Formats

+ - What is a responsive website/ display ad?

Responsiveness in digital advertising refers to the ability of an ad to adjust its size and layout based on the screen resolution of the device on which it is being viewed. This means that your ad will look just as good on a large desktop monitor as it will on a small mobile phone screen.

By ensuring that your ads are responsive, we can provide a better user experience for your audience, regardless of the device they are using. Responsive ads also help to improve engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions, as users are more likely to interact with an ad that looks good and is easy to use on their device.

Our team is committed to creating responsive digital advertising assets that will look great on any device, and we will work closely with you to ensure that your ads meet your specific needs and goals.

+ - Why is responsiveness so important?

Firstly, the use of mobile devices for browsing the internet is increasing rapidly, with more people using mobile devices to access the internet than desktop computers. As a result, it’s essential that digital advertising assets are optimized for mobile devices to ensure a good user experience.

Secondly, if digital advertising assets are not responsive, they may not display correctly on certain devices, causing frustration for users and potentially causing them to disengage with the ad or even leave the website altogether. This can result in missed opportunities for conversions and reduced return on investment for the advertiser.

Thirdly, search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites and ads in search results, meaning that responsive ads are more likely to be seen by potential customers. This can lead to higher click-through rates and ultimately, more conversions.

Overall, responsiveness in digital advertising assets is crucial to provide a good user experience, increase engagement, and improve the effectiveness of digital advertising campaigns.

+ - Here are some tips that might be helpfull to create responsive digital advertising assets:

Design for Mobile First: The first step in creating responsive digital advertising assets is to design with mobile devices in mind. This means starting with the smallest screen size and designing the ad to fit that size, before scaling up to larger screen sizes. By doing this, you can ensure that the ad will look good and function properly on smaller screens.

Use Responsive Design Techniques: To make sure that your ad is truly responsive, you’ll need to use responsive design techniques such as flexible grids, media queries, and scalable images. This will allow the ad to adjust its size and layout based on the screen size of the device on which it is being viewed.

Test Your Ads on Different Devices: Once your ads are designed and built, it’s important to test them on a variety of different devices to make sure they look and function properly. This can help you identify any issues or areas that need improvement before launching your campaign.

You can use our Previewer software to easiliy test your assets. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to have access to our Previewer software.

+ - Why is the Full Impact Interscroller responsive?

The Full Impact Interscroller has a fixed height, but it uses the full width of the website.
This means that if the resolution varies from user to user, also the width of the Full Impact Interscroller varies from user to user, to match the full width of the users’ screen resolution and publishers’ website.
This is why the Full Impact Interscroller needs to be responsive as well.
If the Full Impact Interscroller is not responsive, it will not fit into all available adslots and there will be whitespaces around the adslot. This will decrease the usability of the website and the appearance of the ad.

+ - How do I create a responsive Full Impact Interscroller?

A Full Impact Interscroller usually consists of multiple elements:

  • Background
  • Images (optional: animated)
  • Text (optional: animated)

In order for us to create a responsive Full Impact Interscroller, all separate elements must be responsive.
For some screen resolutions, parts of the background will be cut off, which is perfectly normal.
If some elements (like images or text) are positioned too close to the parts of the background which will be cut off, these elements will also be cut off.
Therefore all elements need to be created responsively, so they can scale sperate from each other.


+ - Is Adsolutions MRAID and VPAID compliant?

Yes! Adsolutions is fully MRAID 1.0 (specs) and MRAID 2.0 (specs) compliant.

Same goes for VPAID, Adsolutions is fully VPAID (specs) compliant as well.

+ - We support The Better Ads Standards

We believe that ads can be fun or at least informative for users. By placing ads on their websites, publishers can offer their content for free. Advertisers can make ads interesting for users by targeting the right audience with great ads. We help advertisers to create the best user experience for every ad.

One of the worst things you can do is annoy the user with a form of advertising. That’s why we support The Coalition for Better Ads and strongly suggest advertisers to keep their research in mind.

The Better Ads research identified four types of desktop web ads and eight types of mobile web ads that rank lowest across a range of user experience factors and fall beneath a threshold of consumer acceptability.
You can find more information on this website.

+ - Do my ads still work under the Heavy Ad Interventions in Chrome?

By the end of August 2020 Google will start blocking heavy ads in Chrome.

As stated on this website: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2020/05/heavy-ad-interventions, an ad is considered heavy if the user has not interacted with it (for example, has not tapped or clicked it) and it meets any of the following criteria:

  • Uses the main thread (of the CPU) for more than 60 seconds in total
  • Uses the main thread (of the CPU) for more than 15 seconds in any 30-second window
  • Uses more than 4 megabytes of network bandwidth

Google’s main purpose is to protect users from ads that drain too much power and/ or bandwidth on their devices and from malicious ads which for example use your device to mine cryptocurrency. Something we can all just applaud obviously.

At this moment Google estimates that about 0,3% of all ads being served through Chrome meet these criteria.

This obviously might affect your Rich media ads.
We have run some tests and can comfort you that it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to meet the CPU criteria. Most likely this will happen when there is a code error in the ad, which we will of course check and prevent.

There is a chance though that your assets exceed the 4 megabytes of network bandwidth, for example, if your ad uses a large video file.
If the total of all assets for the campaign (including all other tags/ code used) exceeds the 4 megabytes AND if this is not user-initiated, your ad will be blocked by Chrome.
So in the case of a video ad, if the total of all other assets stays below 4 megabytes, but including the video the total of all assets exceeds the 4 megabytes and the video will autoplay, the ad will be blocked by Chrome.
You can now do two things to prevent this:

  • Make sure the total of all assets stays below 4 megabytes.
  • Create an ad as big as you want, but make sure that the content exceeding the 4MB threshold is loaded after the user-initiated the ad. For example, In the case of a video ad, you can add a play button and set autoplay to off.

So what will Adsolutions do to make sure that none of your ads are blocked by Chrome?
First of, we will check all of the ads before we send out the tag to you in Chrome. If an ad is blocked, we will inform you about this and suggest the right adjustments to adjust the ad.

If in the unlikely case that an ad has gone live and is blocked by Chrome, we will receive an alert in our software and we immediately inform you about this and again suggest the right adjustments to adjust the ad. Keep in mind impressions are still being recorded, so immediate action is required on your side to halt the campaign, prior to resolving the issues.

We hope that we have informed you well.
If you still have any questions, please let us know!

General questions

+ - How can I test my ad to see if it looks perfectly?

You can use our Previewer software to easily test your assets. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would like to have access to our Previewer software.

Or you can just send your assets to [email protected]. We will make sure that you will receive a fully functioning preview as soon as possible.

+ - Where can I find all the specs and dimmensions of the ads?

We create a template page for all of our clients. This page has all specs and templates needed to create the right assets.

A general overview of most product specs can be found on our templates page. Whenever we have created a new ad format we will add it to this page as soon as possible.

+ - Where can i test my banner?

You can just send the final assets to [email protected] and we’ll send you a preview of the ad on the website of choice.

+ - How long will it take before I receive my tag from you guys?

For the fastest service, we recommend using the templates provided by Adsolutions to create your ad. After receiving the ads, created by the customer using our templates, Adsolutions will return fully functional Ads, in the form of an ad tag, within two (2) working days.

If we receive ads or advertisement material, not created by using our template, or created by using other non Adsolutions software, we will return fully functional Ads, in the form of an ad tag, within five (5) working days.

Creating a completely new ad (template) which needs to be compatible with a provided list of websites, will take us a maximum of 10 working days.

Technical documentation

+ - What's the minimum i need to include when building my ad?

Here’s the good news. If you can build web pages, you can build HTML5 ads. Our advice is to use whichever web design tool/HTML editor you’re accustomed to, be that Dreamweaver, CoffeeCup or even Notepad! Then, in your software of choice, design the ad exactly how you would design a page, albeit quite a small one and with a flat file structure. When we serve the ad, we render it in its own iframe so you can genuinely build the ad as though it was any other page. When we say page, we mean page, so you need to include the usual <html>, <head>and <body> tags. Within the opening and closing <head> tags you must include a reference to our core JavaScript library like so …

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://onecreative.aol.com/ads/jsapi/ADTECH.js"></script>

If you want to work on your HTML without an internet connection, then feel free to download the script file and reference it from your local drive. Please retain the file name ADTECH.js though.

The rest of the HTML is up to you. We of course encourage you to adopt good design practices and split your code into HTML, CSS and JavaScript, separating each into a separate file. We’d therefore expect your main HTML file to look something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://onecreative.aol.com/ads/jsapi/ADTECH.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="myscript.js"></script>

You can thus design your ad how you wish, and the only requirement is the usual adherence to the 5 rules of ad building.

+ - How do I track clickthroughs and interactions?

This is achieved by making a call to ADTECH.click(‘clickName’, ‘clickUrl’) for clickthroughs and ADTECH.event(‘interactionName’) for interactions. It may be JavaScript instead of Actionscript but the rules are the same. Here follows a couple of code snippets to illustrate how this can be used:

a. Making a call to ADTECH.click() from HTML:

<a href="javascript:ADTECH.click('Twitter', 'http://twitter.com/twittername')">
Click to Twitter page

b. Making a call to ADTECH.click() from JavaScript:

var twitterButton = document.getElementById('twitter-button');
twitterButton.onclick = function() {
  ADTECH.click('Twitter', 'http://twitter.com/twittername');

c. Making a call to ADTECH.event() from HTML:

<div onclick="ADTECH.event('Play Game');startMyGame()">Play game</div>

d. Making a call to ADTECH.event() from JavaScript:

var playGameButton = document.getElementById('play-game-button');
playGameButton.onclick = function() {
 ADTECH.event('Play Game');